Parent Partnership.
Get Involved.
All Waldorf schools rely upon the active support of parents and families in the community. At our school, parents and caregivers have the opportunity to serve on long-range planning committees, hand craft items for the Holiday Faire, act as a Parent Council representative for their child’s class, organize annual events and festivals, plan educational workshops, share their skills by teaching students or other adults, assist their child’s teacher in the classroom, stitch puppets for our kindergartens, complete small construction projects in and around campus, and donate their time, money and resources in many other ways.
Most importantly, Waldorf parents support the work of the classroom teachers by creating a home life conducive to healthy growth. Parent evenings with the teachers and the other parents in a class help to create a caring network of support for each child and for the class as a whole. Friendships between Waldorf families often continue for decades after the children graduate.

“Waldorf students are encouraged to live with self-assurance, a reverence for life and a sense of service.”
— Ernest Boyer, American educator, Chancellor of the State University of New York, United States Commissioner of Education, and President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.